Monday, February 4, 2013

Cancer is an Attention Whore

My brother has cancer.  My dad has cancer.  Apparently cancer is determined to be the center of attention right now.  If you'd like to follow my family's cancer journey click here.  If, however, you have fond feelings towards cancer, I would encourage you not to read.  Me and cancer aren't exactly seeing eye to eye right now.  


  1. well that was rude. if you're gonna send me somewhere, I expect something great to greet me! if there was any band of brothers handsome enough to "bald it for cancer," the mcmullins have it down. prayers for sam and bruce.

  2. Sorry! I had to take it down.

  3. Annie, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad and brother. Cancer sucks. That's part of what took my grandfather recently. Wishing you all the best.

  4. Thanks for the invite to see your other blog. I'm sure Gray will want to keep informed. I noticed you have a link to Eliza's Wish here. I assume you know Callahan Williams from Cottonwood. He married my cousin Nikki. That is another family that's had more than their fair share of trials!

    You do have a way with words. I'm sure your family appreciates your record keeping and humor.
